Choosing the Perfect Primary Source

Don't be like this guy.
It's primary source time, y'alll!

Choosing an excellent primary source early in the semester when thinking about the PSA can save you a major impending headache later in the semester when you're working on your SSI or ARP. The image or short video that you select as your primary source will be the basis of each step of the ARP. This source will be the focus of your paper for the entire semester, so if you don't choose wisely, you could be kicking yourself in a couple of months (and we don't want that!)

The Basics
  • Must be image-based (photograph, advertisement, short video less than 7 minutes like a music video, commercial, or movie trailer)
  • Can NOT be text-based (no newspaper articles, journal articles, websites, books. etc.)
  • Must fit within our course theme of (Socioeconomic) Class in America Today
  • Must have a minimum of 5 different details that you can base analysis paragraphs on

Back away from the journal article. Slowly.

So are you are looking around the interwebs or in magazines for your primary source, ask yourself these questions:

1. When starting out with your search: What different sub-topics that fall under the larger umbrella course theme of Class in America Today interest me? Am I curious about inequality within eduction? Do I want to know more about homelessness? Try thinking about what interests you in general (maybe fashion, real estate, dialects/accents, sports, etc.) and how those could connect to Class in America Today. If you start with topics that you are already interested in, you're much more likely to choose a primary source/topic that won't bore you later on.

Your HGTV addiction could finally be useful!

2. Once you've found a few options for your primary source: How many different details can I identify within a single source? Think in terms of visual details like a chainlink fence, a boarded up window, an overturned garbarge can, a grey sky, graffiti on the side of a building, etc. If you are looking at a video source or if there are short bits of text written on your image, you can also analyze short words or phrases (i.e. the word "change," the phrase "don't know what to do," etc.) You won't be able to analyze whole scenes or conversations. Think small. Analysis is about breaking a source down into tiny pieces and then making meaning from those little fragments.

Example of not enough details. This source could make your life really unfun.

3. Looking at different source options: How does this fit into our course theme of Class in America Today? (Sometimes students will accidentally choose a source that isn't set in America or that isn't current in representing class as it is now.) Can I make a really specific, narrow connection? (The sub-topics of "homelessness" or "differences in appearance between classes" are still too broad. You will need to find a really focused angle like "the increase in homelessness amongst female veterans." You certainly don't have to know what your exact angle will be starting out, but it's helpful to think ahead because you'll eventually--in the SSI stage and beyond--need to find journal articles that will help you support your analysis of your image/video).

For the comments section: What sorts of subtopics are you interested in that would fit within our course theme? What kinds of sources are you considering for your primary source?

***Either make one original comment or respond to two comments.***


  1. I think it would be interesting to have my topic be centered on class and politics but as of now I don't really know what to narrow it down to so that it would be on the level of "increasing homelessness amongst female veterans". I was thinking maybe some political ad or infographic showing the relationship between the two.

    1. Political ads are definitely targeted to specific classes, sometimes in a predatory way, so you could probably find a lot of options.

  2. It would be interesting to explore a child's point of view on class. A child is less likely to know where they stand in the hierarchy of the United States and thus is less likely to know why some people may "look down" on them. Taking into account the first part of the article we have already read, I am thinking that my resource could be based on "growing responsibilities of children in the lower class". This may be too broad of a topic though and or not procure many sources so I will keep trying to fine tune what I want to write about.

    Alicia Cox

    1. I am also interested in the point of view of children on the disparity between the classes. I was very interested in the role that Dasani played in her family in the article we read. A picture of a child taking care of another smaller child in a low-income area would be a good source for this subset.

      Brandon Harroff

    2. I'd be interested to look at this because I think class awareness kicks in pretty early on.

  3. I am interested in how the advertisement showing the classes. As we all know, different advertisements have different targets. Thus, the information that is involved by commercial posters or video is different. Also, for different classes, they focus on distinct messages and parts of the advertisement. For example, lower class cares more about prices, but upper class cares about quality of a product. Thence, I'd like to use an advertising video or poster as my primary source.

    1. Hi Yixuan
      Advertisement is always a topic I interested in. I'm glad to see you have the creative idea that connects advertising with your intended primary source. I have not decided a clear topic yet but I also have the same direction as you. There are many advertisement we can find on the internet because people buy and sell goods every day so that it must be a good start!

    2. Hi, Yixuan! Glad to see you here. I also think advertisement is a really a good area to explore the class problems! And I firmly agree with you that different classes pay attention on different things! I Also think it’s great to find some advertisement on renting internet and supermarket internet :D.

    3. Sounds like you've got a general idea of where you're going, so look into narrowing as you find a specific primary source.

  4. I am interested in the influence of irresponsible parents on children. I don't know if it is narrow enough. I can start from the homeless children. Because most part of them have irresponsible parents. And I can also analysis some psychosocial disorder due to the harm that comes from growing up. I think there are a lot of things I can put in my paper. Anyway, I still need to straighten out and clear what I want to present.

    1. Hi Yulin
      I think the subject you choose that "influence of irresponsible parents on children" is narrow enough and make me recall the story of Dasani that we read for last assignment. And it is glad to see you find many differnt angles such as psychological disorder and dysfunctional parents. Moreover, this kind of picture is always shocked and touched so that it must be a good source.

    2. I think your instincts are correct in that you do need to narrow that topic and make sure it directly relates to class.

  5. I'm really interested in using a music video as a primary source. I think that would be a perfect length where it doesn't have endless details to delve into, but there can be a lot hidden in the lyrics of the song. I only have a few song ideas though so far, and I'm not sure if I can totally get behind any of them. I'm interested in taking on the topic of the pressures and expectations that overwhelm some people within the upper class.

    1. Yeah, music videos can be a great source option because they tend to have a lot of details contained in a small clip.

  6. I was thinking about a few different potential topics for this project. One of these ideas, which may be too broad, was to display the vast differences in education opportunities for both the upper and lower classes. Another idea, which ties into the education thought, was to compare two seemingly similar people who happen to be born into opposite social classes, and visualize how big of an affect that has on one's future. I am also leaning towards using an image as my primary source, but that could always change.

    1. Yeah, education is too broad, but there are a lot of different angles you could take within that broad topic, depending on your source.

  7. The type of primary source I would prefer to find is a video. I was thinking most likely an advertisement for HGTV and, and base it on what type of audience the shows are targeting, most of the shows are fixer upper homes or very small homes because most don't have money to buy a new house fully refurbished. I am not certain what my specific focus on the topic will be. I think that using a short video would be able to provide plenty of details, which I am worried I won't be able to find in a picture.

    1. HGTV has a lot of options that would work as long as make sure there's a larger message about class being conveyed.

  8. The type of source I want to use is the short video or advertisement. Because this sort of thing has some goal to the customer, especially in commercial advertisement, they want customer to buy their product. Also, there are a bunch of advertisement from commercial to public purpose. So, it is better for me to find my topic by seeing video and advertisement. In this stage, I don’t have any idea what topic I use to this ARP. So, I am starting searching the advertisement and short video from now on to get the subtopic.

    1. Maybe think about your interests to help you figure out what ad to use.

  9. I think the economic situation will be a good topic for me because I'm interested in it. It may be too broad but It can also connect with homelessness. Beside this, I guess sports will also be a good option for me because I'm crazy fun of NBA. For the primary source, I would prefer to find images because it's more clear to understand.

    -Steven Chen

    1. Hello Steven! It’s impressive for using sports and NBA as topic! I wanna know more details! How NBA and homlessness get connection?

    2. Just keep thinking even more narrowly than NBA and homelessness to find a specific topic.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I prefer to use the video as source. Photograph is also a good choice if I could find a proper one. Economic class can be a good topic for me. I have some experience and feeling about economic class so writing this topic may be easier for me. Also, this topic provides a wide space to write, I can write it from many angles.

    1. Make sure you pick a much more narrow topic than that and remember that you won't be sharing your experiences in the PSA/SSI/ARP, (but of course we'd love to hear about your experiences on the discussion boards, blog posts, etc.)

  12. I think the subtopic I want to cover is the differences in mental heath diagnosis and treatment within different socioeconomic classes. As a neuroscience major, i'm always very interested in how peoples environment effects their mental health state, both chemically ( neurotransmitters) and structurally. Stressors early in life can cause later mental health issues , which suggests that people from a low socioeconomic class might develop more mental heath issues. But i want to see if they are being treated for it, or if there issues are pushed under a rug because they can't afford proper treatment. Finding an image to analyze will be difficult for me because I don't know how this issue could be represented in a picture or video

    1. REALLY interesting idea. You might need to focus on just one class at first since you'll be a bit pinned in by whatever primary source you chose, but there will be opportunities to expand for the ARP.

  13. I have a couple of ideas. I want to explore the poverty cycle in big cities in America and focus on how drugs and current welfare systems aren't providing people the tools to break from the cycle. Or perhaps look at how districts are drawn which make lower class areas unable to access the same opportunities in school systems as other districts. I think it would also be interesting to look at the prison system specifically people who have drug addiction or mental health problems. These people should be getting help but are instead being punished. I feel a bit all over the place. I think when looking for sources through various photo sites as suggested will help when I find a captivating photo relating to one of these topics.

    1. You've got quite a few great possibilities here, so I think it'll depend on which primary source you chose that gives you enough to work with. Prisons are especially timely right now as there's a strike happening over labor conditions.

  14. Some of the sub-topics I would be interested in may be centered around appreciation of material items/ necessities for the poor in contrast to the wealthy. Some other areas of interest might be the how poverty and class affects those of different races within the United States. I've not spent much time on the subject of class/ poverty within the United States so I am mostly interested in discovering these sub topics as I delve deeper into the analysis.

    1. Yeah, looking at necessities/objects of those in poverty could be really interesting, depending on the angle/source you choose.

  15. I plan to write about consumption behavior of different classes but it seems a too big topic. Forcing on one specific class and one specific behavior is a better idea. The advertisement post which can indicate some details about this behavior is my best choice.

    1. Yeah, too broad to look at multiple classes, so maybe find a source that just explores one class and one type of consumption.

  16. I prefer to use the images as my primary source. I think it can attract people and people will pay more attention to the images about the topic. I only have some ideas about “the success of YouTube’ s advertisement” or “The success of YouTube “as my subtopic. Actually, I don’t decide which is better for my topic. So, I will find the more information online to research my topic.

    1. That's more of a traditional research paper topic. You would want to look at a primary source, like a Tesla commercial.

  17. The best primary source for me would be a video rather than a picture because I feel like that I will get more details out of a video. I am thinking about looking into median household incomes in different places compare them to things such as the degree of education the population of that specific area. This is because education is usually a big factor determining how much money you will be taking home in a year.

    1. Might be a little tricky to find a primary source that addresses this specific topic, but it's possible!

  18. I would like to use a video as my primary source rather than the images, since it is difficult for me to find a good image to analyze. I am interested in the change of Asian American class in Hollywood movies and I think there are many things I can talk about.

    1. So for this, you would need to make sure the movie is set in America, so like, Searching, for example. Or To All the Boys I Loved Before. (A clip, not the whole movie).

  19. I'm leaning toward using a video because it provides more visual information to reference and analyze in my paper. I don't have much of an idea as to what my topic will be, but I am interested in exploring the differences in opportunities within education and/or sports for children of different socioeconomic classes. Would that topic be too broad?

    1. That would be too broad, but education or sports is a good place to start. See what possible primary sources you find and that will help you narrow things down.

  20. I would like to focus on homelessness/poverty and how the government plays a role in the cause and prevention of these things. The invisible child article caught my interest in this subject. Specifically how Mayor Bloomberg handled the issue. I also would like to research in general any inconsistencies in government policy with regard to taxes, healthcare, etc when it comes to rich vs poor.

    1. Sounds interesting. You might need to focus on one particular way our gov't is failing the homeless population at first (like defunding public mental health) and then expand when you get to your ARP.

  21. I am still deciding between a few topics for this paper because I want to make sure there is enough evidence to support the claim I make. Some of my ideas are the relationship between education level and religion, the increasing population that may leave more people unemployed, and possibly focusing on artificial intelligence taking the place of thousands of jobs in America. I think there will be much more evidence on increasing levels of unemployment that will in turn lead to more poverty in the US so I may choose one of those ideas for my paper.

    1. Hm, AI could be really, really interesting. The effects of automation hit the middle class pretty hard, so AI could be the next economic adjustment.

  22. I would like to focus my topic on the issues of poverty and the effects it has on the society itself or it could be what types of factors are causing these issues of poverty. For my primary sources, it could be commercial based videos and/or pictures that would pertain to the topic of choice. I'm still deciding of what topic to move forward, but this topic is certainly one of the topics I'm taking a look at.

    1. Just make sure you narrow that idea as you pinpoint your source.

  23. I have two very different ideas for possible subtopics. The first, which I have done more research on is relating to Latin Americans in the United States and how they get here and what their journey is like. In the past, I have done research more relating to what caused the immigrants to leave their homeland, but since there is a focus on the United States, I could look at in with a different angle. An option for type of source I had in mind were some really cool photos from Sonia Nazario that were taken to document immigrants' journey to the US from Latin America. The other subtopic that I am interested in how class affects wither high school or collegiate athletes. This idea is not as specific yet, but I am definitely interested in connecting class to athletics. I could take it from young children, high school, or college age athletes; I think it would depend on which one I could find the best source to work with. I am interested in this topic because I am starting to see how all the different athletes at Ohio State came from a different upbringing and they can still come together as teammates to be proud buckeyes. For this idea, I think the best source might be a short video or commercial, but I am open to finding a photo as well.

    1. So for the first option, which sounds really interesting, just be sure you are looking at Latin American immigrants living and working and interacting with socioeconomic class constructs in the United States, not along their migration journey. Collegiate athletes and class is definitely a topic that you could do a lot with.

  24. I prefer to talk about the education of the young generation growing up in the low-class families. Since the education determines whether they can change their life and save themselves from such miserable environment. For my primary sources, I would like to choose a picture which can describe how the classroom look like and the children's studying situation.

    1. The education of lower-class children also interests me. I believe that all children should be given the same chance at a good education, but sadly that is not how America is structured today. I think a video that captures a poor school would be a great primary source.

      Brandon Harroff

    2. There is a photo series of public schools in Detroit that might be of interest to you. There are over 100 photos in the series, so you'd just need to pick one, but there might actually be some video footage as well. I don't have a link on me, but do some googling and see what you find.

  25. So far I have two ideas for possible topics for this project. One of the topics that I am very interested is how people’s class affects their experience in hospitals. This topic really interests me because my major is biology and I am planning on working in a hospital when I am older. I also believe that people’s class can really affect what kind of care and treatments they are able to receive and where they are able to go. The second topic I’m interested in is class status in courts. This topic also interests me a lot because I believe that many people cannot get the right lawyer that they need in court cases to protect them, which could lead to unfair results. The type of sources that I would like to do is either a short video or an advertisement.

    1. The sample papers are on this topic (hospitals) and it was really interesting.

  26. I would probably start with the difference between food among different classes in America. Firstly food is an essential part of everyone's life. Analyzing the taste of food, the ingredients, the ways to cook as well as the cultures involved could perfectly reflects people from different classes. In addition, this topic will never get me bored. Since both sources as images or as videos about food are easy to find, this topic could bring me a really wide and complete view of the society.

    1. Yep, food/nutrition and class are absolutely linked.

  27. I think it would be interesting to compare the class for kids from upper class, middle class and lower class. I would like to find a video introducing their differences. I want to know the difference of class environment, content of class and so on. It will never get me bored because I like to discover the difference in our society.

    1. Is this Cecilia? Let me know so I can make sure you're getting credit for your work!

  28. I'm interested in what makes something (particularly apparel) "high class" besides a high price point. For example, what kinds of imagery, colors, words, and emotions can be associated with something to give the impression of high class? I will probably be looking for ads in fashion magazines or ads from companies that are considered high class brands.

    1. This is a really great, specific topic idea, Yasmine!

  29. I'm interested in the degree of education for homeless children in America, because we all know that the every children in the United state need to receive 12 years of obligation education (Maybe different state has differing policy) So for children who have no parents or are homeless, how to fulfill their obligation education. What are differences of the teaching environment between ordinary and wealthy children? I am also curious about supermarkets, which are supposed to be the best reflection of American life. What's the difference between a supermarket in upper class and one in lower class? I prefer to use image as my primary source because I think viewers can directly perceived information I want to convey

    1. Sounds like you have several potential topics you can explore.

  30. Subtopics that I am interested in are the topics of homelessness in women and homelessness in children. I also am interested in homelessness due to drug abuse or abuse in general. It would be interesting to see statistics on this in regards to socioeconomic status. Sources that I would be interested in using are posters or advertisements.

    1. Sounds good, just make sure you save the statistics for the SSI/ARP not the PSA.

  31. I will write about the dinner of different class people in the United States. At first, this subtopic related to people closely, because we have to eat dinner everyday. Meanwhile, I believe that food of people in different class will vary greatly, so we can find the different quality of lives by comparing their food. It is an amazing topic for me due to I love to eat all kinds of food. In addition, I think I will choose images as my primary source and I will show the pictures of dinner of people in different class.

    1. Just make sure you only choosing one image for your primary source, but food is definitely a good place to start topic-wise.

  32. I'd prefer a picture that shows the difference between some classes. I am interested in the subtopic "how many homelessness get a new life after receiving education". Some children are born in the homeless family and they may receive many negative influences, including the illegal things. How many of the children born in homeless family can be changed by education under the burden of their family and poverty? It's a meaningful question and it can also help improve the policy to help homeless children. (for example, find new guardian for these children)

    1. Those stories are out there, for sure, like Homeless to Harvard, although that story isn't current enough to use.

  33. I would like to use a commercial or short movie as my primary source because I think that they will be the most effective at portray evidence for my topic. For my topic I would like it pertain to American education and how different methods of education vary throughout society. I think there are a lot of flaws with this countries current educational system and I think that a short video would be a good medium to help provide evidence.

    1. Education is a good place to start, but just make sure you keep a narrow focus.

  34. I have several different areas that I am currently interested in, but what concerns me the most is that how the foreigners in America, such as international students, see the class or how they perceive themselves in the class classification. I feel like that if I am going to write something about that, I will need materials like interviews and surveys to support me. Maybe some youtube video will help me as well, since I have seen several international student youtuber have talked about their experiences. But there could be more powerful resources that I haven/t noticed yet.

    1. Hey! Whoever this is, please reply with your first and last name, so I can give you credit. Or you can copy and paste your comment in a new textbox with your first/last name.

  35. I have several different areas that I am currently interested in, but what concerns me the most is that how the foreigners in America, such as international students, see the class or how they perceive themselves in the class classification. I feel like that if I am going to write something about that, I will need materials like interviews and surveys to support me. Maybe some youtube video will help me as well, since I have seen several international student youtuber have talked about their experiences. But there could be more powerful resources that I haven/t noticed yet.

    1. Just make sure you really keep the focus on how class works in America, not a comparison to class elsewhere.

  36. Within the subtopic of the course theme, there are a couple of subjects that interest me. One topic would be how mental illness adversely affects homeless people, and how that contributes to their homelessness. Another area of interest would be the proliferation of drugs in lower class America, and how that affects class mobility. Ideally I would find some sort of informational video or video discussing these issues, but I plan on being open minded to using a picture or something less informative.

  37. I would like to use some pictures or videos as my primary source because that can show the differences between different classes directly and effectively. For the topics I could be focus on the education and housing. And I would like to know more about homelessness, people might know just a bit about that rather than upper and middle classes. I think I can find some videos from youtube or tv show to provide as evidence.

    1. Seems like you've got some broad topic ideas, so keep pursuing those and find a more narrow path.

  38. I think it is better to choose an image file or video as a primary source. Pictures or videos can express the idea directly and is also much easier to describe rather than a audio video. I still don't have any specific idea of this article. Maybe i would talk about the education of young children in America and the difference of education children get from different social classes. I am not familiar with the education for young children so this might be an interesting topic for me.

  39. As for me I wanna use some pictures and music appear in movies which is about homelessness. The advantage of using movies’ material is people will not get bored easily. Because of movies’ story plot and roles’ characters, audience can easily put themselves into the article and know how hard is homeless people’s lives. Dasanis’ story tell me how strong a girl should be to play against life and I really want write something for not only Dasani and all people stand in the shadow.

    1. Not quite sure I'm following here, but a short clip from a movie would definitely work.

  40. In my opinion, economy plays a significant role dividing society into classes and leading each class to different fate. Of all economical factors, income is significant one. Therefore, topic could be narrowed to that "the elements of one's income in low social classes and in high social class" I can then collect data and make comparison to know details about difference between classes. Except economy, ideas of one class to other classes have influence. For example, people in high social class may believe that what causes those to be in low class are laziness and ignorance. However, people in low class can have ambition and potential to be successful, but there is no opportunities for them. Topic could be narrowed to "thought of a high-class white-collar to one in low social class".

    1. Yeah, negative opinions of the high class toward the lower class would definitely work, just make sure you save data for SSI/ARP.

  41. I am interested in many issues related to the intersection between linguistics and social class: How does a person’s accent or dialect affect how they are perceived? Do accents associated with particular regional and socioeconomic demographics affect access to social, financial, and educational resources? To what extent do people change their speech in an effort to blend in with people from higher social classes or, conversely, to seem more “folksy” and less elitist? I’m not sure whether I will use a video or a still image, as I think these topics may be slightly difficult to find good visual images for. I think advertising images are likely to be a good source of material, since they tend to condense complex messages into single images or very short videos.

    1. This is really interesting, but I'm not sure how it will fit with visual analysis. It would definitely have to be a video, but you wouldn't want to only focus on the audio.

  42. A couple of subtopics that I have been thinking about are drug use in homeless people and weightlifting for college students. These are two completely different topics but the weightlifting subject is more focused on my experiences but I think that the drug use would be a better and more interesting topic to look up.

    1. interested to see how weightlifting relates to class, but I'm here for it!

  43. I think an interesting topic would be the relation between education and socioeconomic level of people. There are a lot of statistical studies which show the association between the level of school and the socioeconomic level of people. It would also be great to explore the relationship between different majors and college from which the degree is earned, with the money that a person earns annually.

    1. College majors would definitely be interesting to explore through a class lens.

  44. At the moment, I’m not sure what subtopic pertaining to socioecomic class I’m interested in. I’m hoping to pick a music video for my primary source so if I can find one that fits the topic at hand, I think I will just roll with that. I’d like to be different and focus on the upper or middle class since I see most people are focusing on poverty as their subtopic. I guess my approach is to find the type of source I want first and then pick the subtopic based on my options and I hope that works. If not, I guess I could focus on food choices throughout the classes since I’m a human nutrition major and we’ve discussed food insecurity in one of my past classes.

    - Brianna Lewis

    1. Music videos can be a great primary source option.

  45. I think a fun topic would be the growing wage gap between low level workers and the top officials at companies. There is a growing discussion on this topic and it really intrigues me. There are a lot interesting images and videos that portray peoples feelings and thoughts on the subject.

    1. Yeah, maybe a clip from Undercover Boss or something could work.

  46. I think the inequality of the education or the policy will be interesting topics, for now I don't know how to narrow my topic to the specific connection, maybe the inequality of the education with the economic level and the policy of the city or something like this. I think I can go to the Youtube to find some short video or some ads about the study organizations to be my primary sources.

    1. I would look for source options with that broader topic, and then you can naturally narrow your topic depending on what message is being conveyed in your source.

  47. I would like find a video for my article. First of all, video is easy to understand compared to article and PPT, because it combines sound and visual sense. What's more, video is more interesting than article, sometimes it's very humorous or attractive. It also contains more information than article and PPT. Therefore, I'd like to find a video associated with the homeless as my source

  48. My subtopic will be related to race discrimination. Because this is a quiet significant issue , which has a large impact on the society. My primary source will be a picture. Because it is more easy to look for. Also, It is very clear and organized when I find information.

    1. So race discrimination can (and is) definitely related to socioconomic class, but your focus should be on socioeconomic class. You can look at how race relates to this topic, but the main crux of your paper needs to be about socioeconomic class. An example of how to look at race while keeping class as your focus could be the wage gap between white women and black women.


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